King Charles III: Apothecary secretly brews coronation oil for the monarch

King Charles III
Apothecary secretly brews coronation oil for the monarch

King Charles III will be crowned on May 6th.

© imago images/PPE

An English pharmacist secretly created the oil that King Charles III used for eight months. to be anointed on May 6th.

King Charles III (74) will not be crowned until May 6th, but preparations for the ceremony are already in full swing. So did retired pharmacist and pastor Mark Hutton according to the “Mirror” spent eight months preparing the oil for Charles’ anointing as king. It was created in secret in a housing estate in the English city of Hull.

According to the pharmacist, he used an “ancient list of ingredients based on a recipe from the Bible”. The “modern incarnation of Moses’ recipe” includes myrrh, cinnamon and olive oil and other ingredients. Getting them all took “months” and was “hard work,” says Hutton. Not least because the pharmacist tried to replace animal products with synthetic alternatives. Despite the effort, Hutton is happy about “the greatest honor of his career”.

The finished oil is reportedly now bottled and locked in the basement of John Bell & Croyden pharmacy in Marylebone, central London, awaiting use. The company has been associated with the royal family for over a hundred years.

The logo for the coronation is already there next to the oil. It will be used at street festivals, on social media and on souvenirs and features an image with flowers in the shape of the Edwardian crown. There is a rose for England, a daffodil for Wales, a thistle for Scotland and a shamrock for Northern Ireland.

The floral design in burgundy and dark blue underlines the “spring optimism” and reflects the king’s love for nature, quoted Buckingham Palace designer Sir Jony Ive (55). It continued: “The design was inspired by King Charles’ love for the planet, nature and deep concern for nature.”

This is planned for the coronation weekend

The coronation ceremony will take place on May 6th in London’s Westminster Abbey. On the day there will also be a carriage procession and the traditional appearance of the royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. A music concert and light show is scheduled at Windsor Castle on Sunday 7 May. On May 8th, the British will have an additional public holiday with events in honor of people who do voluntary work.


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