King Charles: It’s going to be a tough summer for him – for that reason

King Charles
It will be a difficult summer for him – for this reason

© Max Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images

Normally, King Charles would relax at Balmoral Castle during his annual summer break. However, Paul Burrell is certain that his holiday this year will be much less relaxed.

As every summer, the British royal family will come together at Balmoral Castle this year to recover from the stresses of everyday life in the service of the crown and to recharge their batteries. King Charles, 74, is unlikely to be able to put his feet up as much as his relatives this holiday – after all, it is his first summer as monarch.

King Charles can no longer “do what he wants”

So he can no longer “do what he wants,” says Paul Burrell, 65, who worked for many years as a butler at Buckingham Palace and was considered one of Princess Diana’s closest confidants, † 36. Due to his new role as king, he will be restricted in his free time and will probably have to work every day for the rest of his life.

Charles and wife Queen Camilla, 76, will soon be heading to Balmoral for their summer break, but his royal duties will accompany him. “It’s going to be very different for the king this year because now he’s a monarch and things have changed,” Burrell told the Express. Last year he could do whatever he wanted, says the royal expert, and was not subject to any constraints, but “this year he is monarch and, wherever he is, he has to receive his red government box every day ” – as did his mother, Queen Elizabeth, † 96, before her death in September 2022.

“I think that’s going to be difficult for him because now he has to work in a way every single day of his life,” says Paul Burrell. The 74-year-old has been waiting his entire life to take over the “job” from his mother, now that he has it, he is “chained to it”.

All new for King Charles and Queen Camilla

Meanwhile, his relatives can treat themselves to a relaxing break. “The junior royals can literally do whatever they want, but not the king and not the queen, so you’ll find that their lives have changed and their time is no longer theirs,” Burrell says.

Even Diana, he recalls, felt that Charles would find it difficult to adapt to the role of king as she would restrict him and prevent him from doing what he loves, especially on vacation.

But not only will the monarch’s schedule differ somewhat from previous years this summer, Charles is also making a logistical change. During their stay at the Balmoral estate, he and Camilla will not be staying in the main house as usual, but will occupy their private residence Birkhall, it is said.

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