King Charles: Return to the country estate after treatment

King Charles
Return to the country estate after the treatment

King Charles and Queen Camilla.

© imago images/Paul Marriott

After his suspected cancer treatment in London, King Charles III went. on Wednesday straight back to his country estate.

King Charles (75) is on his way back to Sandringham after undergoing further cancer treatment in London. The monarch waved to the royal fans According to the Daily Mail, he was friendly when he left. He had previously spent 24 hours in the capital.

The 75-year-old landed in the royal helicopter yesterday after spending a week in Norfolk recovering from the news of his cancer diagnosis. We then went to the nearby official headquarters, Clarence House. Queen Camilla (76) was at his side.

Charles thanked Instagram for the support

On Saturday, Charles spoke out for the first time since his illness and thanked everyone for their support. “As every cancer sufferer knows, such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement,” Charles wrote in a lengthy one Statement on the Royal Family’s Instagram account. He was pleased that his cancer diagnosis had helped “to promote public understanding and shine a light on the work of all those organizations that support cancer patients and their families in the UK and around the world,” it said.

On February 5, 2024, the royal family announced that Charles was suffering from “a form of cancer.” Exactly what the disease was was not communicated. The cancer was discovered during tests during a hospital stay in London. Charles underwent prostate surgery. But it is not prostate cancer, the royal family made it clear.

Back to the country estate at Sandringham

Now the king goes back to the Sandringham country estate, where he continues to recover. On medical advice, Charles should initially not attend any public appointments or make any appearances, the palace said. He wants to continue to take care of state business.


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