King Charles, suffering from cancer: moved to tears by the sympathy

King Charles, 75, has withdrawn from public appearances, but despite his cancer diagnosis he continues his duties behind the scenes: At his first personal audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, 43, he was very touched by the outpouring of sympathy . As the British “Mirror” reports, The British monarch said to Sunak at the meeting: “I have received so many wonderful messages and cards, most of which bring me to tears.”

“The country is completely behind you”

The meeting with the British Prime Minister took place late on Wednesday afternoon at Buckingham Palace. It was the resumption of weekly meetings between the two, in which the monarch and the head of government traditionally discuss government matters in Great Britain. According to the Mirror, Sunak promised King Charles the support of the British people on this occasion: “The country is completely behind you.” On Instagram The Palace shared photos from the audience showing Charles in good spirits greeting the Prime Minister.

Before meeting the Prime Minister, King Charles had held a personal meeting of the Privy Council. “It’s business as usual for the King. His Majesty is carrying on his private business as normally as possible alongside his regular treatment,” a senior palace source told the Mirror. Charles is interested in being seen and reassuring people that he is okay.

In mid-February, Charles spoke out for the first time since his illness and thanked everyone for their support. “As every cancer sufferer knows, such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement,” Charles wrote in a lengthy statement on the royal family’s Instagram account. He was pleased that his cancer diagnosis had helped “to promote public understanding and shine a light on the work of all those organizations that support cancer patients and their families in the UK and around the world,” it said.

On February 5, 2024, the royal family announced that Charles was suffering from “a form of cancer.” Exactly what the disease was was not communicated. The cancer was discovered during tests during a hospital stay in London. Charles underwent prostate surgery. But it is not prostate cancer, the royal family made it clear.


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