Kobo by Fnac and your library follows you on vacation

The summer period remains conducive to reading. But who says summer novels, often says heavy suitcase. Not with Kobo eReader! Thanks to the Kobo by Fnac subscription, keep the weight of the words and not the shock of the kilos.

Kobo by Fnac, as its name suggests, is aimed at owners of the Kobo eReader, and owners of smartphones iOS Where android, through the Kobo mobile app. This subscription formula offers the first 14 days of reading free after which the bill increases to €9.90 per month. Fortunately, this subscription does not commit you, enough to read a lot more by paying really less.
And to celebrate the arrival of summer, from June 22 to July 31, you benefit from a 30-day free trial, an exceptional offer to get a clear idea of ​​the service.

With the Kobo you will always have your favorite books at your fingertips. When you know the price of excess baggage, the reader can carry hundreds of books for only a few hundred grams. And reference issue, the catalog is bloated with 500,000 titles (constantly increasing), including 50,000 ebooks offered in French. The Kobo can store up to 3,000 books, the promise of reading for hours at the beach, in the mountains, in the countryside or… at home.

With this subscription system, you can change titles in a snap of your fingers without losing a penny. Written by the most widely read writers of the moment such as Michel Bussi or Marc Levy, you will have the choice between several hundred “page-tuners”, those books that you cannot put down until you have finished them.

For all tastes and for all desires

With the Kobo by Fnac subscription, you will never run out of books and never get bored. The virtual shelves of this library are overflowing with good picks and titles that adapt to your mood of the moment. If you’re out of inspiration, just let yourself be guided by the thematic pages.

To surf the trends, it only lists the most read and most borrowed books as The first night by Marc Levy. The subscription also abounds “feel good” novels which put you in a good mood and give you a boost, they are stored here in the image of Jealousy and spying go hand in hand by Coralie Darcy. If thrills are your passion, the thriller shelf is particularly well stocked. It highlights the masters of the Scandinavian thriller such as Jo Nesbø with Cockroaches, an investigation by his favorite detective, Harry Hole. And if tortured stories, funny, torrid, luminous or dark romances tempt you, this shelving will satisfy you with nuggets like Ted by Laurence Peyrin. Finally, if you don’t know what to read, there is still the solution to rely on the titles read and approved by Kobo readers. Wisely placed there, they wait to be downloaded, like Die on the Seine signed Michel Bussi.

Ready to take the leap?

This selection represents only a small outline of the multitude of works available. In addition to recognized authors and major publishers, there are quality self-published authors and even books available exclusively on Kobo. All these titles have been validated by Fnac booksellers. You can check out their list of recommendations and learn more about catalog content.

To take advantage of the exceptional offer of a 30-day free trial (from June 22 to July 31), simply go to fnac.com. All you have to do is click on a title included in the subscription and then on “download for free”. You will be redirected to the Kobo partner site to complete your subscription. If you already have a reader, you must navigate through the subscription catalog from the device screen, then follow the same path. Happy reading and happy holidays!

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