Koh-Lanta, the final: The tweets that made us scream with laughter!

The grand finale of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem arrived. This Tuesday, June 21, 2022, TF1 broadcast the very last episode. After Jean-Charles, Géraldine, François and Bastien have competed in the post test, it’s time for the final jury to vote. This is X who was voted big winner!

Remember that Géraldine won the posts. Exceptionally, they were three to be finalists this time. The mother of the family has appointed her comrade François to accompany her, and the latter has chosen Bastien as the third finalist. After a passage in front of the final jury in the Philippines, now the entire cast found itself in Paris, on the set of TF1. Between the fall of Jean-Charles on the posts, the settling of scores at the final council and XX… The least we can say is that the evening was eventful!

A second evening took place in parallel … on social networks. Back to the tweets that made us laugh the most during this final.

Bastien and his ex, the same one he had called during the comfort…

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