Konami Announces Silent Hill 2 Remake By Bloober Team Exclusively On PS5 And PC

In a post on the official PlayStation blog, Motoi Okamoto, producer at Konami, put a little more biscuit on the table. We thus learn that the adoption of the shoulder camera view will be accompanied by a complete overhaul of the combat system – well, we would have suspected that said – and will have an impact on the layout of certain environments.

In addition to using motion-capture, Silent Hill 2 (Remake) will be based on the Unreal Engine 5 and Motoi Okamoto insists on two of its tools: Lumen and Nanite. The first is a “fully dynamic global illumination solution that reacts immediately to scene and light changes. This means that light interacts with the environment realistically, just like in the real world.“says the producer. As for Nanite, it is a tool for creating extremely detailed environments and “which seem to be mistaken for reality” Mr. Okamoto gets carried away.

Exclusivity PS5 requires, the producer goes further on the features embedded by the latest Sony. He mentions, for example, the 3D audio capabilities of the console associated with the exploitation of the WWise sound engine, promising “a realistic and believable soundscape“, while the DualSense will also be put to good use.

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