Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker: Will there be an intimate ceremony after the Vegas wedding?

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker
Will an intimate ceremony follow the Vegas wedding?

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker on their first appearance as at least an unofficial married couple.

© imago images/NurPhoto

After their wedding in Las Vegas, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker apparently also want to celebrate in a small family circle.

Kourtney Kardashian (42) and Travis Barker (46) recently caused a big surprise. They made it public that they got married in Las Vegas. But the lightning wedding is apparently not yet official. The couple is currently planning another ceremony – this time with the family.

“They don’t want a big wedding”, an insider tells the US magazine “People”. Instead, Kardashian and the Blink 182 drummer were reportedly planning an “intimate ceremony and party” with family and close friends. “Kourtney’s family wants to be a part of it,” and no one wants to let the quick Las Vegas wedding go, says the anonymous source. Before that, however, all the trappings are planned – with a bridal party and bachelorette party.

Kourtney Kardashian didn’t have a license

on Instagram shared Kardashian in early April that she and Barker tied the knot in front of an Elvis impersonator after the Grammys. However, she also explained that the two did not have a marriage license, which arguably makes the marriage unofficial under the law.

“Once upon a time in a country far, far away (Las Vegas) when a queen and her handsome king at 2am after an epic night and some tequila ventured to the only open chapel with an Elvis and got married ( unlicensed)” Kardashian wrote. Also, practice makes perfect, she added. In addition, she published several pictures from the One Love Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.

On Jimmy Kimmel’s TV show (54) Kourtney Kardashian later recountedthat she and Barker really wanted to get married, but late at night they were unable to get a license. Her sister Kim Kardashian (41) also revealed that she only found out about the wedding in the family chat the morning after.


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