Kristen Stewart: how she metamorphosed between Twilight and her role as Lady Di

The Twilight saga continues this Monday, April 18 with the broadcast of Chapter 2: Temptation on W9 at 9:05 p.m. The opportunity to return to its main actress, Kristen Stewart, who has changed a lot since her role as Bella Swan.

The broadcast of Stephenie Meyer’s saga continues on W9 with, this Monday, April 18, Twilight Chapter 2: Temptation which will be broadcast from 9:05 p.m. After having made a small return on the incredible transformation of Robert Pattinson between his role of Edward Cullen and that, much more recent, of Bruce Wayne in The Batmanwe look at the one who gave him the line in all the films: Kristen Stewart, who played Bella Swan. However, if it was in 2008 that the American actress became known in a blockbuster known throughout the world, Kristen Stewart’s acting career had begun long before that. With a mischievous little smile and already short hair, it was in 2002 that KStew made his first red carpet for the film Panic Room in which she gives the reply to Jodie Foster at only 12 years old.

A year later, it is in front of Sharon Stone that she finds herself in Devil’s Throat. She then went on to film with a few main roles, but it was obviously in 2008 and thanks to her role in Twilight that Kristen Stewart’s popularity exploded. At the time, the young woman now engaged to her partner Dylan Meyer finds herself thrown on the front of the stage and followed everywhere by the paparazzi. Far from being a fan of all this attention, she adopts a casual style that fits her teenage persona in Twilight – she is also dating her co-star Robert Pattison on screen and in life.

Haircuts as flexible as her roles

With the arrival of the film The Runaways, Kristen Stewart puts her foot in the queer world by interpreting the singer Joan Jett with her rock’n’roll style and her very short hair. The more rock touches then became more and more frequent in her looks, but what changes the most is her hairsometimes long brown or very short blond. On the cinema side, diversity is also at the rendezvous with Camp X-Ray in which she plays a soldier, Sils Maria in which she plays the assistant of an actress played by Juliette Binoche, Charlie’s Angels which gives her a role as a bisexual spy, or even the lesbian romantic comedy My Step-Family, Christmas and Me (Happiest Season). But one of the biggest physical changes takes place in 2021, when she plays Princess Diana in spencer. Blonde hair, impeccable brushing and gestures that perfectly imitate that of Lady Di, thanks to this role and all those before him, Kristen Stewart has once again proven the extent of her talent.


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© Sony

2/18 –

Kristen Stewart in Panic Room
She starred alongside Jodie Foster


3/18 –

Kristen Stewart in Twilight: Twilight
It was Twilight that really put her in the spotlight


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Kristen Stewart in Twilight: Twilight
The saga had international success


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Kristen Stewart in Twilight: Temptation
Kristen Stewart plays Bella Swan


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Kristen Stewart in The Runaways
The actress also played Joan Jett


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Kristen Stewart in The Runaways
A much more rock’n’roll role


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Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman
Kristen Stewart chained the roles


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Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman
She’s starred in a lot of different things


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Kristen Stewart in Twilight: Revelation
She has increased her ability to adapt


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Kristen Stewart in Sils Maria
It’s often his haircuts that change

© Amazon Studios/Universal Pictures

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Kristen Stewart in Seberg
She made several biopics


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Kristen Stewart in Charlie’s Angels
She also starred in a lesbian romantic comedy


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Kristen Stewart in Charlie’s Angels
The young woman has a very good career


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Kristen Stewart in Spencer
She stood out in Spencer


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Kristen Stewart in Spencer
She plays Princess Diana


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Kristen Stewart in Spencer
His transformation has been amazing

© Sony / NEON

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Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart has starred in many movies

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