Kristen Wiig: The actress tried to get pregnant for years

Kristen Wiig has been the mother of twins for almost nine months. In retrospect, she describes her path to motherhood as "difficult".

US actress Kristen Wiig (46, "bridal alert") and her fiancé Avi Rothman have been the parents of twins for almost nine months. However, her path to motherhood was not an easy one, as she reveals in the upcoming US issue of InStyle magazine. In retrospect, she even describes the past few years as "the most difficult time" in her life.

It was only after years of trying to get pregnant through artificial insemination that Wiig and Rothman finally decided to make their baby dream come true with the help of a surrogate mother. "We've been together for about five years," says the actress. "We spent three of them in a fog of artificial insemination." "Emotionally, mentally and medically" it was probably the "most difficult time" in her life, continues the 46-year-old, who, according to her words, was not herself back then.

I got sad whenever someone asked about it

The process of artificial insemination, including the hormone injections, had become part of everyday life, says the "Ghostbusters" star in an interview. With him "many emotions are connected", because you sit "always close to the phone" and get test results, which in this case are regularly negative, even if there has been "a good month" every now and then. "It was a lot of stress and grief," remembers Wiig, who at some point simply stopped talking about her unsuccessful attempts. "I got sad whenever someone asked about it."

At first, the actress did not want to know about the possibility of having offspring with the help of a surrogate mother. "No. Don't mention that again. I'm getting pregnant," Wiig said to the doctor, who pointed out alternatives. At some point, however, with a heavy heart, she "realized that I just needed help," said Wiig. "Thank god we found the greatest surrogate mother."

The actress was plagued by agonizing questions

During the pregnancy, the Hollywood star continued to plague agonizing questions, such as why she was not able to carry the twins to term. In the end, however, there was a realization: "She (the surrogate mother, editor.) Gave us the greatest gift," said Wiig. "I just wanted you to be here soon."

In mid-June, the US magazine "People" reported, citing an insider, that Kristen Wiig and Avi Rothman became parents a few months ago. The British "Daily Mail" also presented its readers with photos of the small family on a walk. The actress herself hadn't made any public statements – until now.
