The “Krone” story about the gift of a burqa to a teacher at the Felbigergasse elementary school in Vienna-Penzing caused a lot of controversy. When she turned to the public, she was defamed “as a thank you.” The teacher defends herself: “I’m not a liar!”
As a reminder: At a parent-teacher conference, a teacher was given a burqa by a mother. The woman accepted the gift and remained silent about the incident. But it didn’t stop there. On another day, an older student read out the Koran in a sitting circle. Just a few episodes in a series of incidents. The educator intervened and finally turned to the public. She spoke to the “Krone” but wanted to remain anonymous. For their own protection. “It hangs in my closet at home.” But instead of taking this latest warning seriously and questioning how teachers and children could be protected from bigots, a phalanx of defamers came out. The Education Directorate is firmly convinced that this burqa does not exist. The sitting circle would not have taken place either. “Nothing is true,” says the Education Directorate. How does she know this? That’s what the director said. And the parents’ association also wants to know that the incidents did not occur and speaks of a “fantasy essay”. But the teacher defends herself: “I’m not a liar. The burqa is hanging in my closet at home.”Other educators also see problems. But the courageous woman is not alone. In recent weeks, the “Krone” has written numerous articles about the conditions in Vienna’s schools following discussions with teachers. There were reports of practiced executions in classes, that pigs and rainbows were enemy images, and that young moral guardians were up to mischief in Vienna’s schools. Even the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the police reported an increase in complaints, Islam influencers and an increase in anti-Semitic cases among students. After the burka report, the “Krone” asked teachers again. Tenor: “Such reports are not surprising. The only thing that’s unbelievable is that the Education Directorate doesn’t seem to want to know anything about such incidents!”
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