“Krone” readers angry – When the postman doesn’t ring the bell once

No package, just a yellow piece of paper. Annoying when you were actually at home waiting for a package. According to the company, the first attempt to deliver packages works 94 percent of the time. But “Tiroler Krone” readers report otherwise.

The “Krone” article about the desperate hunt for a package elicited some reader reactions. These show: The senior citizen is probably not the only one who only finds a yellow piece of paper instead of a package – even though, according to her own statements, she had been at home all day. The fact that, according to the Post, as reported, delivery people have to ring the bell three times before they can move on without having accomplished anything is a source of great surprise. “The bell is often not rung. Even though I stuck a note on my mailbox saying that please ring the bell for a long time – because I can’t hear so well anymore – and that you have to give me some time to open it – because I’m a little slower.” One reader reports: “There never used to be any problems with the post office.” Another lady has a creative solution, as she describes it to “Krone”: She also put a note on the door saying that the delivery person would call her and then you can simply put the package in the lift – that apparently works quite well. Resident Peter Kahr in Innsbruck’s O-Dorf describes the following scenario: According to shipment tracking, a heavy package – dog food – was supposed to be delivered on Tuesday between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. “I was taking the trash down at 11:30 a.m. and happened to see that there was a notification in our mailbox that the ‘recipient was not found’ at 11:15 a.m. That’s definitely not true. My wife and I were at home all morning. And if we didn’t hear the bell, our five hundred would completely freak out when it rang!” Finally, he states that there were never any problems before, but the delivery person, who was responsible for the house in O-Dorf for years, had to either be sick or retired. 800,000 parcels a day After numerous calls from our readers, the “Tiroler Krone” once again confronted the post office with the question: Aren’t there problems with delivery after all? “No, I have to protect our employees again,” defends a spokesman, “across Austria we deliver around 800,000 parcels a day, and 94 percent of them succeed on the first delivery attempt. When Austria’s largest daily newspaper writes about it, your subjective perception is of course sharpened – but it’s like with a train – you remember the one time when it wasn’t punctual – not the many times when everything went right.”
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