Krupphusten: What is it and what helps?


Krupphusten refers to a dry cough that affects children especially at night. Here you will learn how the cough develops and what helps against it.

Krupphusten: What is Pseudokrupp?

In Krupphusten (also known as Pseudokrupp) it comes especially at night in children to spasmodic, barking coughing fits and respiratory complaints. Mostly, pseudo-croup develops from a cold : The mucous membrane of the vocal cords and the larynx becomes inflamed and swells – this narrows the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Pseudokrupp is not contagious and should not be confused with the “real” Krupp (diphtheria). There is now a vaccine against this.

Although pseudo-group can also occur in adults, this is very rare. Most are affected children between 18 months and five years, boys are statistically slightly more often than girls. In addition, body weight affects the likelihood of illness: A child with obesity is at a higher risk of having croup than a slim child.

Causes of pseudo-group

There are several possible causes of pseudo-croup, most of which is caused by a viral infection. Conceivable, however, are the following triggers:

  • Allergy
  • Bacterial infection
  • Strong strain on the vocal cords
  • High pollution, for example due to cigarette smoke

Exact pollutants in the air favor pseudo-croup – it has also been proven scientifically that children living in dwellings in which people smoke a lot are more likely to suffer as “passive smokers”.

What are the symptoms of Krupphusten?

Pseudokrupp expresses itself through various complaints. These include above all:

  • Barking, dry, irritating cough
  • Breathlessness (which may cause the child to become afraid or even panic attack)
  • Whistling sound when inhaling
  • hoarseness
  • Previous cold: fever, coughing and / or runny nose

Caution: Pseudo-squad is usually comparatively harmless, in the worst case, there is even the danger of suffocation for the child. Then the emergency doctor must be notified immediately! But even with a lighter attack, the doctor should be visited promptly. Although crustacea heals without permanent damage, complications are also possible. For example, middle ear, tracheal, or pneumonia may develop through pseudo-squat.

Help against the disease: What to do with pseudo-group?

As always, when children are affected, for the adults once: Keep calm and try to transfer this rest to the offspring. It is important to make it easier for the child to breathe during a seizure of pseudo-squads. The following measures help:

  • Either pick up the child or sit up straight
  • Keeping it in a warm, humid climate makes breathing easier. For this you can, for example, let the bathtub run full and let the child breathe the resulting steam, or you can inhale directly with an inhaler saline solution.
  • Even cold air helps when it is damp – fresh air in the open kitchen window can improve the symptoms. It should be ensured that the small patient is dressed accordingly.
  • If the child is calmed, give him something cool to drink in small sips – for example, water or tea, but no milk.
  • If cortisone suppositories are in the house, they can be administered – they cause the mucous membranes to swell.
  • Even after cough helps fresh air, it is best to go with the child shortly outside.
  • In case of severe shortness of breath or danger of suffocation: Call the emergency doctor!

Can I prevent pseudo-squads in children?

Unfortunately, cramping can not be completely prevented, but parents can reduce the risk: In the apartment or in other cramped environments should not be smoked, at best, is completely dispensed with. Humidifiers throughout the house also ensure that the air is moist enough.