KUGLE: an app with Tamagotchi tunes at the time of the NFTs

Vincent Touveneau


January 10, 2022 at 2:31 PM


Kugle Logo

Kugle is the name of a new application created on the Solana blockchain. You can evolve a space creature, which itself will eventually lay eggs. In a short interview, Ugo, the lead developer of the project, explains how the Kugles are more than a Play-To-Earn entertainment, but also a way to get involved for the environment.

The application is still in demo mode and most of its functions will be available in a few months.

Kugle on Solana, an almost carbon neutral blockchain

To present Kugle it is Ugo Belfiore, ex dev at Epitech, who complies with the exercise of the promotion. “Kugle is a creature from space sent to decarbonize the planets.” With Kugle, you can evolve your creature, in order to make it lay eggs. A game concept reminiscent of popular projects like CryptoKitties. Kugle involves a token called GU which allows you to interact in the app.

Even if the words ecology and blockchain are found with difficulty in the same sentence, the Kugle team justifies the choice of the Solana blockchain: “We could very well have developed this project on the ethereum blockchain to gain public attention, but this ecosystem is still too greedy for energy,” explains Ugo. The Solana blockchain is less developed in comparison, but it is also much less resource intensive.

To arouse public interest, Ugo explains that playing Kugle can have a positive impact on the planet. Indeed the team aims to plant more than 1,700 trees per year because “it’s about the carbon consumption used to develop and operate the app. ” This calculation includes the functioning of the nodes of the blockchain, which remains one of the least spending ecosystems in the crypto field.

Kugle’s challenges at the time of the explosion of NFTs projects

For the Kugle team, which includes six members on several continents, the challenge is not to create yet another NFT project and to make easy money. “The difference with other projects is that almost all of us come from video games”. This implies that their approach is less commercial than other NFTs projects, and that it wishes to bring together video game enthusiasts and casual gamers interested in crypto.

However, there is still work to be done before you can farmer your eggs in cyberspace. For now, Kugle’s Discord has 600 members, a figure that should swell as investors (buyers of the GU token) become interested in the project.

Further information on Kugle is available here on their website. The application is now available in demo mode, on the PlayStore.

Source: Kugle.org

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