La Grande bookstore: who are the guests of this October 5?

Augustin Trapenard receives this Wednesday four authors in La Grande Librairie on France 5. The theme of the day? Identity.

After tackling the theme of the family in The Great Bookstore, Augustin Trapenard looks at another subject. The presenter of the literary program broadcast on France 5 receives four authors this Wednesday, October 5 for a new theme linked to identity and to answer the question “Who are we ?”. To answer it, he thus receives Joann Sfar, Paul Adil, Polina Passanenko and Delphine Horvilleur.

Cartoonist Joann Sfar comes to present his latest work The Synagoguepublished by Editions Dargaud. A story at the heart of “jewish world” in France in which he draws inspiration from his own history. Paul Adilhe comes to present his book Disturbing identityat the house of Stock. A self-portrait that immerses him in the heart of the tension between his Lebanese origins and his French nationality. “Anyone who takes it upon themselves to open the identity file should expect to burn their fingers”he warns in particular.

The question of integration in France

In Hold your tongue, published by Olivier la Russe Polina Passanenko recounts her double identity: Polina at home, Pauline at school. Born in France, she recounts her arrival in France, in Saint-Étienne, after the fall of the USSR. “What I want is to wear the first name I received at birth. Without hiding it, without making it up, without modifying it. Without being afraid of it”writes the author who is now trying to recover her birth name.

Finally, Delphine Horvilleur publish at Grasset, There is no Ajar. “The noose of identity obsessions, exclusionary tribalisms and victim competitions is tightening around us. It is screwed down every day by all those who defend the idea of ​​a “pure self”, and of an affiliation” authentic “to the nation, ethnicity or religion”, she says. The key to emancipation is called Emile Ajar.

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© France 5

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Augustin Trapenard
The presenter of the program receives this October 5 four guests.

© Stephane Lemouton

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Delphine Horvilleur
Delphine Horvilleur comes to present “There is no Ajar”, published by Grasset.


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Joann Sfar
Joann Sfar comes to present his book “La Synagogue”, published by Delme editions.


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Augustin Trapenard
Augustin Trapenard also receives Paul Audi.

© © FTV

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The author comes to present his book “Troublante identity”, published by Stock.

© GUYON Nathalie

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The big bookstore
Decor The great bookstore

© Christopher Clovis

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Delphine Horvilleur
Delphine Horvilleur at the release of the recording of the program “Vivement Dimanche Prochain” at the Gabriel studio in Paris, presented by M.Drucker and broadcast on June 20, 2021, at the Studio Gabriel in Paris, France, on May 12, 2021.

© France 5

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Augustin Trapenard
Finally, Polina Passanenko will present “Holding Your Tongue”.

© France 5

10/12 –

The Great Bookstore
The theme ? “Who are we?”, on identity.


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Augustin Trapenard
Photo by Augustin Trapenard


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Augustin Trapenard
Photo by Augustin Trapenard

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