Lady Gaga's two dogs were kidnapped in a shootout on Wednesday. The singer was able to find Koji and Gustav in good health, after promising a huge reward.
On Wednesday February 24, while walking Lady Gaga's two dogs, Ryan Fischer, an employee of the singer was shot. The two strangers behind the shots had then kidnapped Koji and Gustav, two French bulldogs, before fleeing by car. "My heart is aching, and I pray that my family will be whole again through an act of kindness. I will pay $ 500,000 for their safe return. … If you bought them or you have them. have found it without your knowledge, the reward is the same ", wrote the artist a few days after the kidnapping.
The story ends well, as Lady Gaga's dogs were indeed found unharmed and returned to their owner on Saturday. Koji and Gustav were discovered by an undisclosed woman who tried to contact the singer's relatives, Los Angeles police said. "Lady Gaga's two dogs were handed over to a local police station and returned to Lady Gaga representatives in good health.", she wrote on Twitter.
Gunshot wounded Ryan Fischer was hospitalized. At the material time, a third Lady Gaga dog had managed to escape before returning to the walker after the attackers left. A criminal investigation is underway and the motivations of the kidnappers are not yet known. Los Angeles Police are investigating whether the thieves acted because French Bulldogs can sell for several thousand dollars, or because they knew who they belonged to and wanted to demand a ransom.
To read also: Lady Gaga: her dogs kidnapped after a shooting, she offers a colossal ransom to recover them
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