Landes: a mother suspected of having poisoned her daughter


Dthree years, two months and seven days. This is the time that elapsed between the discomfort of Enéa Reverdy-Daubon and the placement in pre-trial detention of her mother, Maylis Daubon. The latter is suspected of having poisoned her eldest daughter for almost two years until November 13, 2019.

Major for a month, she is unwell, convulses at the family home of Dax. His heart stops. The firefighters and the Samu resuscitate her. Six days later, Enéa Reverdy-Daubon died “as a result of what could be described as an overdose”, specifies, Friday January 21, Olivier Janson, the prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan.

Is found in his body the equivalent of a tablet of beta-blockers where only one stamp is allowed by the dosage. The absence of prescribed treatment for the victim, medication at home or suicidal prospects alert the police. The trail of poisoning is privileged.

Prosecutor Olivier Janson and Commissioner Buisson de Dax during the press conference.

Philippe Salvat / “South West”

For more than two years, two investigators from the Dax police station, supported by the zonal direction of the Bordeaux judicial police, carried out 80 hearings, cross-checked testimonies, made checks, wiretapped.

“The family climate is particular, specifies the prosecutor. All speak of a fusional relationship between the mother and her two daughters, some qualify it as influence. Enéa Reverdy-Daubon obtained her diploma in a private college in Dax, then gradually dropped out of school. At the time, she was remembered as “a young girl who was sick all the time, having epileptic fits”. Reports are made, in particular by the father, a former handball player, who wants to regain custody of his daughters. In vain.

32 doctors in two years

Tuesday, January 18, the police arrested six people at the home of Dax. The 49-year-old mother, her barely legal daughter, the victim’s boyfriend, her brother and a couple of friends who live there. Maylis Daubon and the brother of the victim’s boyfriend, 21, are indicted for poisoning. She is remanded in custody and he is under judicial supervision.

Mand Chimits, from Dax, represents the younger sister but refuses to comment. About her, the prosecutor indicates “that she was also out of school and that there were questions about the drug dosage that her mother gave her. »

The mother disputes the facts but gives no explanation. “The reasons for this indictment are due to the inconsistencies of Madame Daubon, on her schedule, the over-medicalization of the victim. She also consulted websites on the effects of an overdose of the same drugs that caused her daughter’s death. »

The prosecutor adds: “her personality is characterized by a lot of mythomania on what she is by inventing trades while she was unemployed. She lies about her daughter’s state of health and has her visited by 32 doctors in two years. »

Mother’s Council, Mr.and Danglade, from Bordeaux, disapproves of “pretrial detention”. He recognizes “a not trivial psychological profile but from there to making her a poisoner, there is a step not to be taken. One thing is missing: what could be the motive of a fusional, overprotective mother, to want to harm her child? It’s quite a paradox. »


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