Landes: he threatens his neighbor with death, then hits the police who came to arrest him

“You will have reasons to come and get me”

The president of the court then recounts the course of the events of September 25, 2020: “As soon as the police showed up at his home, the situation immediately degenerated. In the morning, he had told two of them who had come to hear him that if they came for the neighbor, he was going to borrow a gun from his cousin, and that there, ”You will have reasons to come and get me” . »

In the afternoon, when the four officials show up, the man backs into the apartment, hiding behind his then pregnant companion, before going into the kitchen and grabbing an object, a gesture that the police interpreted it as a threat. Faced with the fury of the defendant, one of them used his taser, and the man was brought back to the police station. The police are beaten and threatened with death in the van, in police custody, and even when arriving at the emergency room. An intern also testifies: “I had never seen such violence. »

“They say he is dangerous for himself, for those around him, for public order…”

Since the events, the defendant has taken refuge behind his memory loss: the victim of a serious road accident more than twenty years ago, living on his pension as a disabled adult, he still has 17 mentions to his criminal record. The psychological expertise is quite frightening, notes the lawyer of the neighbor victim of death threats: “They say that he is dangerous for himself, for those around him, for public order… You have to imagine the dread in which my client lived, when the gentleman was released from prison, the fear of meeting him, until this threat, on August 23: ”If I see you outside the residence, I will kill you.””

For the defendant’s lawyer, this sentence, only the victim can say whether or not it was pronounced.

For Lucie Delage, the deputy prosecutor, these “losses of memory” are very practical: “I was on the verge of asking for the warrant of committal, if the facts did not date back to 2020.” Finally, the man was acquitted for the death threats of August 23, but sentenced for the violence against persons in charge of public authority, to eight months in prison, to compensate the four officials from 300 to 600 euros in damages, and 500 euros her neighbor for moral damages.

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