Lara Fabian, “worst surprise” of the evening?

Saturday January 6, 2024, during the “Star Academy” bonus, Lara Fabian appeared in a short video encouraging Lénie. But this surprise is far from having convinced Internet users, who had great fun with it on X (formerly Twitter).

Saturday January 6 was an important day for Héléna, Pierre, Djebril and Axel. After the elimination of Candice last week, the candidates were in danger during the tenth prime of Star Academy 2023. This evening offered duos as compatible as they were explosive. Djebril notably shared the stage with Eddy de Pretto. The two singers performed the hit Kid released in 2017. Héléna was not left out, since she was able to share a duet with the singer Anggun, while Pierre sang Caravan with Raphaël and Julien sang A man standing with Claudio Capéo.

Like every Saturday, many surprises also punctuated the show. While she is fan of Lara Fabian and that she was able to perform her title I love you in a breathtaking painting, Lénie was surprised to see her idol. The Belgian-Canadian singer was not present in the flesh on the set. But she wanted to record a video of encouragement for him. “It’s Lara Fabian, I’m sending you all the love and all the courage and all the strength you need for tonight, you’re going to be a hit”she said in a short video.

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“I screamed !”

But these words did not convince. On “They couldn’t do better for Lénie than a five-second message from Lara Fabian? I’m going to burst my skull, this scandal! », “Lara Fabian, 0 effort, did she recycle the video she sells for birthdays or what? », “Oh no, I’m sorry for Héléna, really Lara Fabian she made zero effort in the video for Lénie, she speaks for four seconds, I screamed”, “She made this video as if it were a little birthday dedication video since she has 200 a day to make”, “On the other hand, Lara Fabian’s message came out of nowhere lol, we had to wait”, Lara Fabian’s video for Lénie looks like paid dedications », “Ptdrrr Lara Fabian’s video, she didn’t piss off. Eight seconds, the thing. » Could we read. A failed virtual foray which was not commented on by the person concerned.

Camille Bonvalet has an interest in societal subjects and feminist issues. She is also passionate about literature. Versatile, she appreciates the prose of Flaubert as much as that of Michel…

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