Large police force – drag queen reading: many supporters, few opponents

Demo Sunday in Vienna: There has been a state of emergency in Vienna-Mariahilf since the early hours of the morning. Reason: reading a drag queen in front of children. The security measures are high, the police are deployed in large numbers. Seven demos are announced – and not all for the event.

The villa had been cordoned off extensively with barricades since 7 a.m. The police were in action with a large contingent. A kind of buffer zone was set up. In addition to numerous police buses, the number of officers was enormous. As the “Krone” was able to observe on site, far more supporters than opponents of the event (an estimated hundred people) had gathered in the vicinity of the turquoise-pink-purple villa on Linke Wienzeile – the reading began in this building at around 10 a.m . Identitarian Martin Sellner was also spotted among the opponents of the event. Video: Demo Sunday in front of the turquoise-pink-purple villaSituation threatened to escalateIn any case, the mood on site was heated. There was at least one official act on the part of the counter-demo, the police confirmed. After a participant showed the Hitler salute, it was reported under the Prohibition Act. In the course of the following demo march at the ring, the situation threatened to tip over, pepper spray may also have been used, but the executive was subsequently able to keep the two camps at a distance and separate them. The turquoise-pink-purple villa posted words of apologies “for any inconvenience” to residents due to the demonstrations and referred to the protest action by “right-wing extremists” in front of the villa, which was answered with a counter-demonstration behind the villa. “The extremists’ protest and speeches could become loud and chaotic. We regret that they are bringing the neighborhood into this situation. ”For the afternoon, speakers at the reading’s solidarity rally included Mariahilf’s district leader Markus Rumelhart (SPÖ), National Council member Ewa Ernst-Dziedic (Greens) and Conchita Wurst. Dragqueen Candy Licious herself will also give a speech. Those families who had registered for the dragqueen reading were not deterred by the hustle and bustle. “It cannot be the consequence that the intimidation works,” emphasized one mother. As originally planned, around 40 people came to the event, which had been moved to the first floor because of the demos. “We don’t talk about sex here” There artist Freya van Kant staged a fairy tale story in a red glittering tulle dress and a teased blonde wig , as known from the classic adventure children’s theater, including dance unit and fencing round with pool noodles – except that this time the princess had to save the prince kidnapped by the dragon and not the other way around. “We’re not talking about sex here. This is about favorite colors, favorite clothes and what it means to be unique,” ​​emphasized Stephane Magloire, organizer of the “Queens Brunch”. “These are stories that are good for every child”, they are about human dignity and also about Christianity Values ​​like charity. It is very strange that a “right-wing mob”, whose sole aim is to sow discord and spread fear, is mobilizing against such things, says van Kant. She briefly thought about canceling the event, but then quickly thought about it again discarded. The parents who registered for the event also unanimously reported that it was important to them to come to the event despite the demo.
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