Large search operation – Dog fell into Mur: Fire brigade rescued “Sascha”

A large-scale search for a dog kept the firefighters in Großlobming busy on Wednesday: “Sascha” was reported missing by his owner. The firefighters set out with a boat and divers.

Apparently to cool off, spaniel mix “Sascha” ventured into the Mur on Wednesday in Großlobming. But when his owner lost sight of him, she alerted the fire brigade. And they were quickly dispatched. While the comrades from Großlobming combed the Mur embankment with foot troops, the Apfelberg fire brigade set out to search for the four-legged friend with a boat and even divers. “We also used a drone,” explains operations manager Christoph Leitner from the Großlobming fire brigade. Shortly before nightfall and after a search lasting a good two hours, the owners finally received the redeeming news: “Sascha” was spotted at a nearby restaurant and picked up by the firefighters and finally handed over to his overjoyed owners. 38 firefighters were deployed in this animal rescue operation. The dog owners’ thanks are sure to be with them forever.
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