Large sums of money required: Russian regions are recruiting volunteers

Large sums of money offered
Russian regions recruit volunteers

For months, Russian authorities and veterans’ organizations have been recruiting volunteers for the war in Ukraine. Sometimes large sums of money are offered. However, the Kremlin deliberately refrains from open mobilization.

Despite the war of aggression against Ukraine, which has been going on for almost six months, the Kremlin has so far refrained from openly mobilizing the army – in the provinces, on the other hand, the authorities are forming regional volunteer battalions. “According to our calculations, more than 40 such units have already been set up in at least 20 regions of Russia,” reported the daily newspaper Kommersant. Regional authorities and veterans’ organizations have been promoting it for months.

According to the “Kommersant”, the size of the units sometimes differs significantly. For example, 400 to 500 fighters are needed for a motorized rifle battalion in the Amur region in Russia’s Far East. The Perm region near the Urals is recruiting volunteers for two units: a 90-man rifle company and a 160-man tank battalion.

Shortage of personnel at the front

The pay also varies greatly. Perm promises the most with the equivalent of 5,000 euros per month. Experts see the initiatives as an attempt by governors to prove their loyalty to the Kremlin.

Many consider a possible general mobilization across the country to be problematic for President Vladimir Putin, since he could then admit to problems with the war, which Moscow only describes as a “special military operation” and is officially “going according to plan”. According to experts, recruiting at the regional level should help to reduce staff shortages at the front.

In general, Russia keeps a low profile when it comes to personal details and tactical decisions. According to British information, half a dozen high-ranking Russian military officers were recently dismissed. The poor performance of the armed forces during the invasion was too costly for the Russian military leadership.

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