last minute alternative tracks

Once you have finished your training or school, you still have to find accommodation. “While half of the students anticipated and looked for accommodation four months before the start of the school year, 22% do so two months before or just before”says William Vieillard, Managing Director d’Immojeune, based on research carried out on its ad platform specializing in student housing.

Some only got their final results recently. Others could not afford to book accommodation by paying for it all summer. And the structural shortage of student housing, aggravated this year by the crisis in private housing, particularly linked to the slowdown in the mortgage market, further increases the number of young people looking for a roof at the last minute.

In practice, where do you go if you haven’t found one yet, and don’t have the budget or the right application to be accepted into the private sector? If the most affordable accommodation, located in university residences, is already full, student hostels remain a solution. They are often run by religious or charitable organizations.

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You can go through the sites, or even The price, generally between 500 euros and 600 euros per month, varies according to the location and the services. Part of the meals can be included. Don’t hesitate, too, to knock on the door of hostels for young working people.

“Intergenerational housing”

Another option: a homestay. The sites,, or more simply offer it. The prices are very different from one city to another, and the levels of comfort heterogeneous; in the Paris region, it is necessary to count between 600 euros and 700 euros per month.

It is also possible to be housed at a very reduced cost through sites linking students looking for a room and seniors looking for a presence or certain services.

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The website, for example, asks for 390 euros of annual contribution to the association, to which is added a monthly amount to be paid to the owner, variable according to the formula chosen (10 euros for a student agreeing to be present most of the evenings and nights, 150 euros for a young person undertaking to provide certain services, and from 200 euros otherwise). Be careful to clarify upstream the services to be provided (shopping, etc.) and to define the rules of this “intergenerational habitat”.

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