Laura Tenoudji: her daughter Bianca, cute ballerina, lights up her holidays: Current Woman The MAG

If the rain was right – once is not customary – the azure of Nissa la bella, Sunday December 20, 2020, the home of Christian Estrosi and Laura Tenoudji was impermeable there. The most prominent couple in Nice indeed have their own sun at home: Bianca, her 3-year-old daughter!

The girl, who makes occasional appearances on the respective Instagram accounts of the mayor of Nice and the journalist from France Televisions, got noticed in the morning on that of her mother, delivering to some 60,000 subscribers of the famous Laura from the Web Telematin a glimpse of her budding dancing skills. Dressed in a light pink tutu and ballet shoes, Bianca, whose face remains deliberately indistinguishable, seems seized in full pirouette, movement betrayed by certain blurred areas of the photograph. What to chase away the clouds! “A sunny rainy morning by my little star dancerThe proud 44-year-old mom, who posted more glimpses of the moment in her Story on social media, said.

Two days earlier, Laura Tenoudji greeted the arrival of this holiday with some relief. visibly deserved: “December review: 12 reports, a telethon with a successful cultural raffle, a dozen live performances to organize, a site to manage, 106 boxes to make and almost undo, 2 hyperactive children to channel with a minimum of screen, anxieties to tame … In short exhausted but happy”, She detailed when wishing her followers a great vacation and sending them“full of positive energy”. A synthesis which subliminally signals that Milan, his 11-year-old son from his past relationship with Michael Tapiro, is like his little sister full of vitality. Family Christmas promises!

"I used to be French, now I'm from Nice"

Everything is ready at the Estrosi for this celebration in a small intimate committee, the health context requires: Saturday, December 19, one day before his daughter's dance number, Christian Estrosi unveiled on Instagram a photo of Bianca and him in front of the tree during final preparations. Satisfied by his marriage to Laura, celebrated in 2016, and by their family life, the councilor had proudly shared two days earlier an interview given by his wife to Little Nice. “The opportunity, he pointed out with loving pride, to discover his perspective on the year 2020 and on the events that marked him, but also to recall his commitment to @telethon_france and his attachment to # Nice06 become visceral and which continues to increase tenfold over time.

>>> See Christian Estrosi's post on Instagram

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