Laurent Guimier: “From the start, we proposed the Salamé-Bouleau tandem”

The director of information of the public audiovisual group returns to the organization of the debate between the two rounds.

After two days of confusion, we can see more clearly about the organization of the debate between the two rounds of April 20, co-broadcast by TF1, France 2, LCI and France info. We know the names of the two candidates: Marine Le Pen and
Emanuel Macron. We know the name of the director, Didier Froehly, and those of the tandem who will lead the debate for the two channels: Léa Salamé for France 2 and Gilles Bouleau for TF1. All the protagonists communicated this device this morning. These incessant comings and goings have fueled many rumours.

And fed the discontent of the SDJ of France 2 which tweeted on Wednesday “The @SdjFrance2 condemns all the pressure exerted by the candidates undermining the freedom of the press. (…) It is not up to politicians to choose the journalists who question them.” “TF1 and France 2 have come together to propose the two names. Léa Salamé and Gilles Bouleau did not pose any problems, the setback comes not from a hypothetical refusal of a name but from organizational problems…

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