Laurent Guimier replaced by Alexandre Kara as head of information at France Télévisions

This summer, he had been weakened by a motion of no confidence, because of his complicated relationship with the editorial staff.

France Télévisions has decided to dismiss Laurent Guimier, its director of information according to The Parisian. This is confirmed by an email sent internally by Delphine Ernotte, the president of France Télévisions. The leader formalizes the appointment of her replacement, Alexandre Kara. And specifies that within this new organization, Nathalie Saint-Cricq is promoted “coordinator in charge of editorial news developments, reporting to the news director“. She will nevertheless retain her position as editorialist. These appointments are effective as of today.

Alexandre Kara is no stranger to France Télévisions. Since December 2021, he has held the position of deputy director of programs for France Télévisions. The former political journalist from Europe 1 arrived in the group at the beginning of 2016, as number 3 for information, when Michel Field managed the editorial staff of France Télévisions.

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Through Le Figaro, European 1 and the radio France Info, Laurent Guimier, for his part, had arrived in the summer of 2020 at France Télévisions. He had first directed the continuous news channel franceinfo, before being propelled, three months later, in September, boss of information in place of Yannick Letranchant. He probably pays in part for the poor audience results for his political program “Élysée 2022” on France 2 and more generally for the presidential sequence on the group’s antennas. This summer, Laurent Guimier had also been weakened by a motion of no confidence, because of his complicated relationship with the editorial staff. At the time, Delphine Ernotte had kept him in his position, while agreeing that it was a “important signal that must be taken into account“.

For now, Laurent Guimier has not left the group. Management claims to have made several proposals to him, to which he has not yet responded. Within the media microcosm, he was given the desire to apply for the presidency of Radio France, which will be reassigned at the beginning of 2023. What the person concerned has not yet confirmed or denied.

SEE ALSO – Laurent Guimier: “The next “Cash Investigation” on nursing homes will make noise”

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