Laurent Weil absent for more than a year for health reasons: Laurie Cholewa speaks

It’s been more than a year since Laurent Weil is absent from the Canal+ antenna due to a health problem. If since he disappeared from the small screen, the 58-year-old presenter has not given any news, his colleague and friend Laurie Cholewa did it for him, during his appearance on the airwaves of Sud Radio, this Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

Laurie Cholewa spoke about her professional projects, among which are cultural program Tchi Cha. And, during the broadcast, she did not escape a question about Laurent Weil, who is usually at her side on the air when the Cannes festival is held. During the last ceremony, Didier Allouch was responsible for replacing him. A noticeable absence that still lasts today. If for the moment, the public does not yet know when it will make its big comeback, the mother of Rose (born in 2018) and Niels (born in 2020) reassured the listeners by confiding: “I don’t know when exactly he’ll be back, but he’s getting better and better. It’s progressing in the right direction.“Greg Levy’s wife added that he had”really want to work again“, and that she hoped”that he can come back soon“. A wish, which we hope will come true.

It was on July 6, 2021 that Canal + viewers discovered that Laurent Weil was unwell. : “We are back and we think especially very strongly of Laurent Weil who cannot be with us this evening due to a health problem. The whole management of Canal+ joins us to tell him how much we love him, how much we miss him. We would have liked him to be here tonight, but we’re sure he’ll be back soon“, had declared the presenter during the kick-off of the Cannes festival. Shortly after, our colleagues from the Parisian revealed that he had been hospitalized two weeks prior, due to “a serious health problem“.

It was necessary to wait until October to have the first news of the principal concerned. “He had a health problem and he is resting. I hope he will come back very soon. Anyway, I miss him a lot. This is one of the encounters of my TV life. We were scared, but it will be fine, he will come back“, had confided Laurie Cholewa to TV Magazine.

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