Lavender oil: effects and uses

Lavender oil has many positive properties and can be used in a variety of ways. Everything you need to know about lavender oil can be found here.

Lavender oil: what's behind it?

  • Lavender is one of the most popular fragrances around the world. And its effect was already valued by midwives in obstetrics in the Middle Ages. Lavender is therefore very versatile and can be used for very different areas.
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a subshrubthat grows up to 60 centimeters. Lavender flowers ignite a bluish violet color and smell very aromatic.
  • By the way: The name lavender comes from the Latin "lavare" and means "wash". This is because the dried flowers were used as bath additives in ancient Rome. Hildegard von Bingen even used the herb for head lice.
  • You can now find out how lavender oil is made from healthy lavender oil and everything about its application and effects.

Lavender oil: manufacture

  • Lavender oil can be produced from various types of lavender. Each variety has different ingredients and properties. As a result, we cannot speak of THE lavender oil.
  • Also the Lavender oil production is not limited to one process. However, water distillation is the most common model. The entire lavender plant contains valuable aromatic oil, but the highest quality is the oil from the lavender flowers. These contain up to three percent essential oil.
  • The The lavender flowers are also of the best qualitythat are about to blossom. It is also important that the harvested plants are not in the sun, so that the quality of the ingredients is not damaged.
  • Through the Steam distillation you can win lavender oil in a gentle way. The essential oils are released from the lavender and evaporate. Then they are stored together with the water vapor in a cooling pipe and later in a collecting container so that the oil can be skimmed off from the water.

Lavender oil: ingredients

Contains lavender more than 2000 different active ingredients, most of which have not yet been researched. Around 200 ingredients have been proven so far. These complement and reinforce each other in their mode of action. In particular, the essential components of lavender are very heat-resistant and survive distillation without problems.

Important ingredients in lavender oil:

  • Linalool: Linalool is found in many spice plants and provides an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect
  • Linalyl acetate: Has a positive and calming effect on the psyche
  • Fighter: Antipyretic and antispasmodic
  • Cineol: Relief from breathing difficulties

Lavender oil: effects and uses

  • Lavender is especially for his positive influence on our psyche and our sleep known. There are very popular lavender spraysthat you spray on your pillow in the evening. This will help you calm down and fall asleep more relaxed and faster.
  • However, who under strong Anxiety or even serious sleep disorders should always consult a doctor and ask for advice. He can also tell you whether and in what form you can use lavender as an aid.
  • Lavender oil can also be used as Wraps for cough and bronchitis be used. Mix about two to three drops of the oil with a base oil and put the mixture on a cloth. You warm it up briefly and place it on your chest.
  • At a headache you can put a few drops of oil on your forehead. The oil has an antispasmodic effect and can thus relieve the pain. In general, you can rub tight parts of the body with lavender oil.
  • At Discomfort, especially in the stomach and intestines, you can use lavender oil for light massages. The oil can also be useful during pregnancy. You can rub it on your belly to prevent navel pain and pregnancy strips.

Buy lavender oil

Make sure pure essential oil to buy. You can get lavender oil in organic supermarkets or in well-stocked pharmacies. You can also on the Internet high quality lavender oil order conveniently.

Make lavender oil yourself

To make lavender oil yourself, you need just two ingredients. Nimn a handful Lavender flowers as well as half a liter Vegetable oil. Now you take the flowers and pour the oil over them. You fill the mixture into an empty bottle, which you store well closed in a sunny environment for about three weeks.

You can find out everything about coconut oil and almond oil here. We'll also show you how to create a healthy eating plan.

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