Lazy fathers watch out: this mother shoots sharply!

What's happening?

Samantha Mravic-Miller from Wisconsin was just fed up: The birth of her first child was in many ways a disaster that she really didn't want to do a second time.

What happened then?

She had a Caesarean delivery, which is damn uncomfortable anyway. However, the night after in the hospital was really bad when her newborn baby kept waking up and crying.

Well … that's what all babies do, right?

Sure, but Samantha was annoyed for another reason: her husband slept with her in the same hospital room to take care of the child and to relieve her after the caesarean section. Emphasis on "slept". Because no matter how loud the child roared from the body – the father slept calmly and did not feel addressed.

That means that the mother had to …?

Exactly: Samantha always had to torture herself out of bed at night and look after the child. And anyone who has ever had a caesarean section knows: Especially afterwards, every walk out of bed really hurts like hell.

I would be pretty angry there.

Indeed! Of course, she didn't want to take away all responsibility for the baby right now – but when the child cries and the damn father sleeps comfortably while you suffer agonies with every step, that makes you angry.


That's why it was immediately clear to Samantha when she got pregnant again: It won't happen to me again! And soon she came up with a very practical idea of ​​how she can quickly wake her sleeping prince back up in an emergency if he wants to sleep through comfortably again.

What did she think of?

Let's put it this way: There was sharp shooting in her birth station. In the video you can see why her idea was so enthusiastically celebrated on Facebook.