LDC: clear improvement in annual current operating margin

(AOF) – For the 2023-2024 financial year, the agri-food group LDC generated a net profit, group share, of 304.4 million euros compared to 224.7 million euros for the previous year. Current operating profit increased by 23.5% to 370.3 million euros, showing a margin of 6% compared to only 5.1% over 2022-2023. LDC aimed for a current operating profit of more than 350 million euros. Already published, turnover increased by 6% to 6.2 billion euros.

“After a 2022-2023 financial year marked by price increases and volume drops, the group benefited in 2023-2024 from exceptional business conditions which allowed it to post sharply increasing results,” commented LDC.

The management board will propose to the general meeting of August 22, 2024, the payment of a dividend of 3.60 euros per share compared to 2.70 euros paid for the previous financial year, corresponding to a distribution rate of 20.5 %. It will also propose a division by 2 of the nominal value of the share in order to strengthen the attractiveness of the stock and promote its liquidity.

For the 2024-2025 financial year, LDC is targeting a turnover of 6.5 billion euros and a normative current operating margin of 5%. The group intends to accentuate its strategy of reconquering volumes.

The company underlines that it “will remain fully mobilized on the execution of its strategic roadmap which should enable it to cross the milestone of 7 billion euros in turnover with an Ebitda of nearly 560 million euros in 2026-2027”.

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