Le Stream Populaire: 200 French videographers call to vote for the union of the left

The New Popular Front has just found new and new allies: the Stream Populaire, a movement launched by many French videographers to collect signatures and push their young audience to go to the polls, against the far right.

History is watching us, let’s mobilize! »The logo is a pale red that tends towards orange, close to the color chosen by the designer Dugudus for his visual. of general interest » for the Popular Front, which has spread very quickly since June 10.

Le Stream Populaire chose a visual that sets the tone: a fist that fits into the shape of the Twitch icon, the platform on which many videographers broadcast cultural or political content.

Under this banner, more than 200 signatories have come together, public figures known on the French web, who are signing on June 17, 2024 a call to vote for the New Popular Front, broadcast on Mediapart.

Among them, we find collectives like Afrogameuses, Game Dolls Advance, Furax, Qualiter, media like Origami and Canard PC, as well as personalities like Antoine Daniel, Manon Bril, Ultia, Mister MV, FibreTigre and Angledroit.

Mobilizing on the internet can sometimes make you afraid of losing audiences or sponsors, in doing so many content creators hesitate to speak out. », We can read in their press release. “ Today, a clarification is necessary: ​​the only sponsors and the only subscribers that we can lose are those who tolerate extreme right-wing power. »

CC Grégory Viénot
Antoine Daniel in 2016. Source: Wikimedia/Grégory Viénot

Popular Stream mobilizations

  • A mobilization campaign is launched for 10 days, until the last Friday before the first round of the legislative elections, June 28, 2024. All streamers are invited to sign and share the petition.
  • Le Stream Populaire will also organize a stream “marathon” from Friday evening, June 27 to June 28 (like certain events such as the Z Event), with speakers on a main stream and a call to raise as much money as possible. signatures.
Source: lestreampopulaireSource: lestreampopulaire
Some signatories of Stream Popular. Source: lestreampopulaire

Young influencers are getting involved

The day after the surprise dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, voices were raised to criticize online influencers for their supposed silence – opposing them to the youth supposedly more engaged in the Loft Story of 2002.

However, content creators quickly mobilized, from Lena Mahfouf to Lottie to Arkunir. Squeezie, the most influential YouTuber in France, joined the dance on Friday June 14 by calling not to vote for the far right.

Marie Turcan

[Note de la rédaction : l’idée du Stream Populaire a été impulsée par Cassim Montilla, journaliste de la rédaction de Frandroid, qui appartient au groupe Humanoid, dont fait partie Numerama.]

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