Léa Salamé launches a scathing order to a guest of We are live before recovering in extremis

This Saturday, March 19, on the set of We are live, Léa Salamé caused a little discomfort. The journalist gave an order to the young singer Kimberose before recovering…

Léa Salamé realized her tone a little too late … This Saturday, March 19, the journalist was at the helm of a new issue of We are live with Laurent Ruquier. On the set that evening: Vanessa Burggraf, Valentin Chevalier, Le Cas Pucine or even Liza Azuelos. At their side, the duo of animators also received the singer Kimberose invited with Jean-Paul Gaultier to talk about the next Sidaction campaign. And Léa Salamé was authoritarian with the young artist. “You have to go, you have to go. Yes, yes, you have to go”first launched the journalist to Kimberose, who was to interpret the title We do not change by Celine Dion. But the victim of a technical bug, the young woman turned around on the set of France 2.

“Ah, sorry, were you told not to sing? Yes, yes! We are waiting for you to sing…continued Léa Salamé. We’re live, and there was a live bug!” A rather dry remark which caused an embarrassment and the hilarity of Laurent Ruquier. “She gives orders to the singer: ‘You’re going to sing!'”he laughed before Pablo Mira made a reference to the debut she hosted a few days ago: “Hey oh, respect! They’re guests, OK Léa! It’s not Yannick Jadot, huh!”. On the set, Léa Salamé then wanted to apologize to Kimberose for her authoritarian tone. “Excuse me, Kimberose but that’s because it was planned. You have to sing, she reacted. (…) Excuse me Kimberose, I really want to hear from you. I’m sorry, sorry for giving you an order.”

Léa Salamé: Internet users shocked by her attitude

On social networks, Internet users were very shocked by the attitude of Léa Salamé towards the young artist. “Léa Salamé who finally becomes aware of her aggressiveness”, “Salamé, she is undrinkable. We can really do without her, on this show. Yes, I swear to you”, could we read in particular. As for Kimberose, she did not want the journalist. It must be said that in this election period, Léa Salamé is on the nerves. A few days ago on the Elysée 2022 set, she had a lot of trouble leading the debate between Yannick Jadot and Eric Zemmour. Only a few more weeks to go before finding less intense political news…


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© France 2

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Lea Salame
This Saturday, March 19, the journalist was at the helm of a new issue of We are live with Laurent Ruquier

© France 2

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Lea Salame
The duo of animators also received the singer Kimberose invited with Jean-Paul Gaultier to talk about the next Sidaction campaign

© France 2

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And Léa Salamé was authoritarian with the young artist

© France 2

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“We have to go, we have to go. Yes, yes, we have to go,” the journalist first told Kimberose.

© France 2

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Lea Salame
“Ah sorry, we told you not to sing? Yes, yes! We are waiting for you to sing”

© France 2

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“We’re live, and there was a live bug!”

© France 2

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Lea Salame
On the set, Léa Salamé then wanted to apologize to Kimberose for her authoritarian tone.

© France 2

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“Excuse me, Kimberose but that’s because it was planned. You have to sing”

© France 2

10/12 –

“Sorry Kimberose, I really want to hear from you. I’m sorry, sorry for giving you an order”

© France 2

11/12 –

Lea Salame
On social networks, Internet users were very shocked by the attitude of Léa Salamé towards the young artist.

© France 2

12/12 –

As for Kimberose, she did not blame the journalist

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