Learned from life – 7 mistakes you shouldn't make at IKEA

1. Write a shopping list

There is absolutely no need for a shopping list at Ikea. The NOT BUY list is much more important. Whoever forgets it has lost. Suddenly he is at home with 7 vases, 30 glasses, the 47th garlic press and really totally sweet sofa cushions and only then realizes that his own apartment is only 70 square meters and not 70 hectares in size.

2. Shortly before the shop closes, hop back in again

You can do this at EDEKA, at ALDI, at LIDL and in an emergency also in REAL. But IKEA in a hurry is one of the experiences that you don't have to have in life. Just the panic that arises in you when you suddenly stand all alone in the carpet department and do not know how many tours you can still expect … Well, at least you have at least one bed if you have to stay overnight.

3. Promise the children that they can go to Småland and then forget their ID

You thought the doorman of the village disco was merciless judge? Then you have never discussed with a Småland employee whether, exceptionally, the children should not be allowed to play without the parents' identity check … They may not. And never, never!

4. Do not know the dimensions of the trunk and still enter the treasure trove

That really doesn't need an explanation … Everyone has to do this experience themselves. Emphasis on ONCE.

5. Ignore that a piece of furniture can consist of several packages

Huh? And where are the cupboards now? … We tell you: In this package, on which there is a big 2. That was on the shelf where you found the package with the big 1 on it. Happens to the most experienced IKEA fans.

6. Think "will fit"

This one wall that you have never measured, the chest of drawers will fit there, right? It may make life a little less exciting now, but dressers at IKEA always look smaller than they are. And corners are always a little bit bigger from a distance. Not a good mix for Pi-mal thumb purchases.

7. Don't shave your legs

Nothing is going to work today anyway, the stubble on your leg doesn't bother you anymore? Misjudgment! Anyone who doesn't have sex after IKEA shopping together has done something wrong. The dispute at IKEA (at the latest in the decoration and useless Schischi department) is mandatory! Those who miss it miss the most beautiful side effect of the blue-yellow paradise: reconciliation sex. And in the beautiful new bedding and in the middle of the 42 plush cushions that no one would have needed … or maybe on the new kitchen table, which – UPS – unfortunately does not fit in the kitchen.