Leberkäsjunkie: Former "crime scene" team celebrates crime comeback | BRIGITTE.de

The Eberhof crime thriller "Leberkäsjunkie" celebrates its TV premiere – with a meeting of ex-"Tatort" stars Sebastian Bezzel and Eva Mattes.

The crime comedy "Leberkäsjunkie" (2019) by director Ed Herzog (54) will be shown on television for the first time almost exactly one year after the theatrical release on Monday evening (August 3, 8:15 p.m., the first). In the sixth film adaptation of a bestselling thriller by author Rita Falk (56, "Guglhupfgeschwader"), viewers experience what it means for die-hard meat fans when Schmalhans suddenly becomes a chef and only serves low-cholesterol dishes. But it's also about love in all its passionate and dramatic facets. And of course there is a body …

That's what "Leberkäsjunkie" is about

"Feelings are always shit!" The Lower Bavarian village policeman Franz Eberhofer (Sebastian Bezzel, 49) has long internalized this deeply felt wisdom. That's why he suffers only moderately when girlfriend Susi (Lisa Maria Potthoff, 42) goes away again. The two take turns taking care of their son Paul (Luis Sosnowski), which doesn't make police work much easier. Even when there is a fire on the neighboring Mooshammerhof and an attractive Munich woman dies.

But that's not his only problem: Eberhofer suffers from a fit of weakness, whereupon he is put on a strict diet by the doctor: no red meat, lots of vegetables – and no more liver loaf rolls! So tough conditions for the following murder investigation – and for grandma (Enzi Fuchs, 83) culinary art. If it weren't for his old friend, private detective Rudi Birkenberger (Simon Schwarz, 49), who rushes to his aid.

The suspect in the murder case includes the victim's mother, Ms. Grimm (Anica Dobra, 57), the local football god Buengo (Castro Dokyi Affum, born 1988) and the gay couple, Konrad Ziegler (Manuel Rubey, 41) and Rafael Schäfer . The latter is played by today's celebrity birthday child, Robert Stadlober celebrates his 38th birthday on August 3.

Highlight episode for "crime scene" fans

In addition to the usual crime comedy entertainment, this film also brings a pleasant professional reunion to the former Lake Constance "Tatort" dream team (2002 / 2004-2016) Eva Mattes (65) and Sebastian Bezzel (Commissioner Kai Perlmann). The strange Liesl Mooshammer (Mattes), who is staying with the Eberhofers uninvited, is as far away from the sovereign investigator Klara Blum, however, as far as the Eberhofer from refraining from meat. "It's a particularly nice role for an actress that I really enjoyed. It was really something different," enthused Mattes in an interview with spot on news.

Just before the premiere a year ago in Munich, she also told how it came to this professional reunion: "Ed Herzog, the director of the Eberhof crime thriller, staged three of our Lake Constance 'crime scenes'. And we all three thought that it was actually it would be nice if I would also play along. Ed Herzog was just waiting for the right role. He found the Liesl Mooshammer so cracked and remarkable that he offered it to me. " She was very happy that she could now be there too.
