Legal opinion – Who should be allowed to sell state assets?

Since 2018, the Carinthian FP has been demanding that the state parliament must approve the sale of state assets – a legally complex undertaking. Now there is a report on it.

The Carinthian Freedom Party cites prominent examples such as the sale of the airport in 2018 or the sale of a holiday village on Lake Ossiacher See in 2019 when it comes to emphasizing their long-standing demand for the state parliament to be required to give its consent when selling or encumbering state assets.Currently needed Such projects – assuming they are not direct state assets, but rather shares held by the Carinthian Investment Administration (K-BV) – only require the approval of the state government. Both SP and VP do not seem opposed to the blue demand in terms of content; VP club chairman Markus Malle: “We want to grant the state parliament the greatest possible rights.” Legally difficult undertaking Andreas Scherwitzl (SP) also sees it this way: “We have already started the discussion process about it.” But why does it fail? Changing the legal basis is highly complex and legally difficult; Most of the investments are in outsourced institutions such as K-BV. In the last state parliament session, the FP tried its luck again – this time with a legal report as an ace up its sleeve. In it, the lawyer Christoph Urtz states that it is entirely permissible to anchor the state parliament’s consent requirement. But as is the case with legal opinions, these still have to be examined carefully, according to the government. Now the responsible committee will deal with it.
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