Legislative 2022: the elections of three deputies canceled by the Constitutional Council

If they want to remain parliamentarians, the macronist Thomas Mesnier, the lepenist Anne-Sophie Frigout, and the socialist Bertrand Petit will have to win the vote of the voters once again, in partial elections which will take place in several months.

They had a Damocles sword above their heads. For several months, about fifteen parliamentarians elected by a few votes were under the blow of a cancellation of their election by the Constitutional Council. And if some, like the Renaissance deputies Paul Midy and Jean Terlier, have been confirmed thanks to a validation of the Elders, others have just seen their election invalidated this Friday, December 2.

This is the case of the Horizons de Charente deputy (1st district) Thomas Mesnier. He won in the second round against a candidate from La France Insoumise with only 24 votes in advance. And the Constitutional Council found that 27 votes were “irregularly expressedduring this election, which is greater than the difference in votes between the two contenders and therefore invalidates its result.

The deputy of the RN of Marne (2nd district) Anne-Sophie Frigout is also in this situation, after a complaint from the candidate of the presidential camp Laure Miller, who estimated after her elimination in the first round that her victory had been stolen from her: a thousand ballots had indeed been invalidated during the count because they were in the name of Emmanuel Macron. On which the Constitutional Council agreed with him.

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Three partial legislative elections in the next three months

The elected socialist of Pas-de-Calais (8th district), Bertrand Petit, also sees his election canceled. In question, the fact that his substitute has already been elected as a substitute for a senator during the 2017 senatorial elections.substitutes“must have a”permanent availabilityand so there is aobstacle“so that a candidate for the Assembly can”choose as a substitute the person who, in the event of a vacancy in the seat of a senator, would be immediately called upon to replace the latter“, recalls the Constitutional Council.

Partial legislative elections will now be organized in the constituencies of these three elected officials. Two of the parliamentarians concerned – Thomas Mesnier and Anne-Sophie Frigout – have already announced that they will stand again in this election.

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