Legislative 2022 The PCF considers the LFI proposals insufficient

In a statement sent this Saturday to AFP, the PCF notes that “the proposals of La France insoumise have not made it possible at this time” to find an agreement for the June legislative elections, and proposes candidates in addition to their deputies. outgoing.

The formation of Fabien Roussel (2.3% in the presidential election) requests “the holding as soon as possible of a joint meeting of our four political formations which has not yet taken place at this time rather than in separate bilateral meetings “. LFI, dominant after the 22% obtained by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is indeed conducting bilateral negotiations with the PCF, EELV, the PS and the NPA – parties which did not obtain 5%.

The communists want “a coalition of forces without hegemony and a common label which reflects the expression of our diversity, for example the popular union of the left and the ecologists gathered”. They recognize the primacy of the Common Future but would like certain proposals from each of the parties to be taken into account.

Negotiations could go into extra time

Finally, they believe that the constituency proposals by LFI do not allow the PCF to form a group. According to them, the agreement must therefore, in addition to their 11 outgoing deputies, allow “personalities recognized for their field commitments” to be invested. They list 14.

For the time being, LFI has only reached an agreement with Generations on Thursday, negotiations continuing with all the other left forces during this weekend. The hypothesis of extensions for next week is getting stronger.

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