Legislative 2024: “I don’t know if the right can find itself”, LR voters tempted to vote for the presidential camp

Alexis Bourdon / Photo credit: Riccardo Milani / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

Two weeks before the early legislative elections, Nicolas Sarkozy spoke for the first time in the “Journal du Dimanche”. The former president took the opportunity to give his preference to Emmanuel Macron rather than Marine Le Pen. Comments heard by right-wing voters, but who no longer know whether they should vote for their party or for the presidential camp.

His speech was eagerly awaited, between the early legislative elections and the crisis among the Republicans. This Sunday, former president Nicolas Sarkozy gave a long interview to Sunday Newspaper. And he took the opportunity to give his preference to Emmanuel Macron rather than Marine Le Pen. Very useful words for the majority candidates, present on the ground, and who are trying to seduce right-wing voters disappointed by the agreement between LR and the RN: this is the case of Florian Delrieu, Macronist candidate for the ninth constituency from Haute-Garonne, which Europe 1 followed.

The candidate is well aware that recovering those who were neither in the extreme right nor in the new Popular Front and who would be tempted to abstain will not be an easy task. But Florian Delrieu wants to position himself as a Republican candidate, and Nicolas Sarkozy’s comments were seen as a boost.

“I have always been LR but I don’t know anymore”

Consequence: Chantal, 72, an inveterate right-wing voter, hesitates for the first time between voting LR or supporting the majority camp. “I don’t know if the right still has a chance of finding itself again. I don’t know what to think. Frankly, at my age, I have always been LR but I don’t know anymore,” she breathes. As for the possibility of voting for the presidential camp, Chantal replies: “yes, I think so”.

In the columns of the JDD, Nicolas Sarkozy however did not blame Éric Ciotti, who decided to ally himself with the RN, but regretted the method: “Éric Ciotti should have submitted to the governing bodies (…) his conviction (…) and propose to members to decide by electronic vote The union of the rights must be done by the voters, not by the staffs”, declared the former president.

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