Legislative: 7 maps and graphs to understand the first round

Lleft is back. With 25.66% of the votes at the national level for his Nupes, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has succeeded in his bet to impose a political force that can compete with Emmanuel Macron. The united left remains in the second round in nearly 400 constituencies, and ends neck and neck with the presidential majority – even if the Nupes denounces the official count of the labels and claims to be in front. It is in the big cities that the coalition achieves its best scores, particularly in the Paris region, where four of its candidates – Sophia Chikirou, Alexis Corbière, Sarah Legrain and Danièle Obono – were elected in the first round.

The only other candidate elected deputy in the first round, Yannick Favennec, in Mayenne, is from Together. The presidential majority, which is maintained in a little over 400 constituencies, achieves its best scores in the west of France. Conversely, its candidates are struggling in the Northeast, a territory where the RN vote is very strong.

The progression of the RN

Despite a discreet campaign and despite competition from Reconquête!, the party of Éric Zemmour, the National Rally confirms its progress by managing to maintain itself in the second round in more than 200 constituencies, twice as many as in 2017.

Unsurprisingly, it is in the Northeast and on the Mediterranean coast that Marine Le Pen’s party achieves its best scores, between 30% and 40%. On the other hand, the overseas constituencies, which had overwhelmingly voted for Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election, rarely granted more than 10% of their votes to its candidates.

READ ALSOLegislative: the RN eats away at the right and confirms its anchoring

The retreat of the right

After the failure of Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election (4.7%), the right still hoped to maintain itself in a few dozen constituencies, by betting on its local roots. The candidates of the Republicans, the UDI and various right collect 13.62% of the votes at the national level. They manage to maintain themselves in a little less than a hundred constituencies, and can hope to limit the damage.

The abstention queen

She is the big winner of the first round of the legislative elections: abstention broke records this Sunday, June 12. More than one in two French people did not vote (52.5%), up 1.2 points compared to 2017. In overseas constituencies, it even reached 70% to 80%. Same observation among French people living abroad, who voted a week earlier, even if many were unable to participate in the ballot due to technical problems, in particular for electronic voting.

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