Legislative: Bruno Le Maire fears for “civil peace” with the RN in power

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said on Monday he feared for “civil peace” in France if the National Rally (RN) comes to power during the early legislative elections. “I fear for order, yes,” declared Bruno Le Maire on franceinfo, when asked if he feared for civil peace in the coming weeks or months.

“I fear for serenity”

“I fear for relations between citizens. I fear for serenity. I fear for civil peace, the peace of French society, quite simply because the National Rally may show a friendly face today, as soon as you go into the back room, it’s a lot less glamorous,” he explained.

“Simply because the great denial of the National Rally will lead to a great renunciation and an immense disappointment. And this immense disappointment, it portends very deep anger,” he added, citing the reversals of the party. far right on nuclear power or NATO. “Yes, violence is possible, disorder is possible and I do not at all see the National Rally as a factor of stability, of peace in our country. I see it as a factor of disorder, of violence, of the rejection of some and others,” insisted Bruno Le Maire.

He also once again castigated the program of the left-wing coalition of the New Popular Front, which he likened to “spoliation” with significant tax increases. “Everyone will be robbed by this project which, basically, is a project of Marxist inspiration (…) and which absolutely does not correspond to the expectations of the time,” he denounced. In office since 2017 in Bercy, Bruno Le Maire is not running in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

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