Legislative elections 2024: 200 Internet personalities sign a platform against the far right

A call to mobilize and vote for the New Popular Front.

© Mediapart

Since the result of the European elections on June 9, then the announcement of the holding of legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 following the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, calls for mobilization against the extreme right have multiplied. After the athletes, it is the turn this June 17 of 200 Internet personalities to take an even more clear position in a forum. This not only condemns the extreme right, but calls for people to vote for the New Popular Front.

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A forum and a movement Le Stream Populaire

In this column published on the Le Club de Mediapart blog, the importance of the moment does not seem to escape the signatories, who declare from the first lines that “History is watching us“. Among the 200 creators, associations, organizations and Internet personalities who gave their signature, we can cite the media Canard PC and Origami or even Antoine Daniel, Alt236, AngleDroit, ExServ, FibreTigre, Gautoz, Yvan Gaudé, Ken Bogard, mistermv, Modiie, Ostpolitik and Usul.

Cassim Montilla also responded, since the Le Stream Populaire collective created for the occasion was imagined by him, in partnership with the SEED collective (Le Stream Emmerde l’Extrême Droite).

The time is no longer for neutrality.

The Popular Stream

The goal of this forum and of the collective is clear: “We want to stand together. We can, collectively, prevent the rise to power of the far right. Another future is possible.

Popular Stream

The Stream Populaire logo.

© The Popular Stream

To block the “RN and [à] his allies“, the signatories propose a single solution: “We must vote massively and get people to vote. A single bulletin will allow us to defeat the far right, a single bulletin will allow us to respond to the ecological emergency, a single bulletin will allow us to safeguard public services, a single bulletin will allow us to improve the daily lives of workers. , only one bulletin will allow us to conquer new rights: that of the New Popular Front.

With this vote for the gathering of the left, the collective hopes in particular to protect its public, which is “like us: diverse, from all social classes, often LGBTI+, racialized, with disabilities.“Even if it means losing audiences and sponsors in the operation; the signatories believe that”the scope of our collective speech obliges us.

Upcoming events, especially on Twitch

Beyond this platform, the Le Stream Populaire collective has planned a series of events between June 17 and 28 in order to support the New Popular Front and to mobilize Internet creators. This will notably involve live performances on Twitch. To find out more about the collective, its objectives and its signatories, there is an official website.

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