Legislative elections 2024: for Yaël Braun-Pivet, the RN and the New Popular Front “promise the moon to the French”

In two weeks, the French are called to the polls for early legislative elections. For the moment, the National Rally is at the head of voting intentions (32%), followed by the New Popular Front (25%), while the presidential camp only comes third, with 19% of voting intentions, according to our latest Opinionway survey for Europe 1, CNews and “Le Journal du Dimanche”. But for Yaël Braun-Pivet, the programs of the two parties at the top of the voting intentions are not economically tenable. Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1/ CNews/ Les Échos, the outgoing president of the National Assembly assures us: the RN and the New Popular Front “promise the moon to the French”.

“At a time when we need to make savings on our public finances, we hear extreme programs which promise only one thing: more public spending. We will not be able to finance them,” says the outgoing MP for the Yvelines.

“The RN is starting to backpedal”

In its program, the New Popular Front notably wishes to increase the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net, block energy prices and even repeal the pension reform. The union of the left also plans to reinstate the solidarity tax on wealth, with a climate component. For its part, the RN also promises a drastic drop in energy prices, with a reduction in VAT on gas, fuel oil and fuels, but remains vague on a possible repeal of the pension reform. For Yaël Braun-Pivet, these proposals are “as the president would say, fool’s errand. With the prospect of being in power, the RN is starting to backpedal,” she criticizes.

“I am not that politician who says [aux Français] everything they want to hear.” As for the French debt, the President of the National Assembly justifies herself by emphasizing that “more than 300 billion comes from Covid aid. We choose to support everyone because it is our responsibility. Today, we are aware of this, and we have taken, with Bruno Le Maire, a savings plan of 10 billion euros, we have another plan to come of 20 billion euros “to reduce the debt , she reminds us. “We have to be clear. I am speaking to the French who are responsible, attentive, serious in their vote. So I alert them to this by telling them: we are promising you the moon.”

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