Legislative elections 2024: “On June 9, he shot us”, the time has come for depression within the macronie

Jacques Serais / Photo credits: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS

While the polls continue to announce a heavy defeat for the presidential clan in the next early legislative elections, no one anymore believes in a miracle within the macronie. Some ministers are already packing their boxes and considering the possibility of not organizing a transfer of power in the event of a victory for the RN.

Four days before the first round of the early legislative elections, the macronie seems overcome by depression. Opinion surveys follow one another and continue to place the presidential camp in third position in government. Many people no longer believe in miracles. If Emmanuel Macron is fighting the spirit of defeat, this is the atmosphere that reigns in the presidential camp.

“It’s over”

Sitting at his desk, this minister has a closed face. “The RN will win, of course and by a large margin, I think,” says this disappointed government heavyweight. A short distance away, in a private hotel, a ministerial advisor is packing up. “It’s over,” confides this executive strategist. And words are not kind to the tenant of the Élysée.

“On June 9, he shot us.” “The worst thing is that he didn’t anticipate anything,” continues a minister. Between spite and anger, this member of the government is already thinking about the aftermath of July 7 and he cannot imagine concretely entrusting the keys and files of his ministry to a figure from the National Rally. To organize or not a transfer of power ceremony? “The question arises,” he explains. His argument leans in favor of a boycott of this republican tradition. A last stand that would ignore the choice of voters.

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