Legislative elections 2024: Smic, pension reform, Gaza… The New Popular Front unveils its program

The New Popular Front, left-wing alliance for the early legislative elections, unveiled on Friday its “rupture” program which will be applied in the event of victory, including three repeals of symbolic reforms and the increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net (1,398 .69 euros currently). The left-wing movements, from Place publique to the Insoumis via the Ecologists, the PCF and the Socialist Party, promise to repeal the pension reforms, unemployment insurance and the immigration law.

On the ultra-sensitive issue of the conflict in the Middle East, they also denounce in their program “the terrorist massacres of Hamas”. The situation in Israel and Gaza had crystallized dissensions on the left in recent months, particularly during the European campaign where the positions of rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon had earned him accusations of anti-Semitism.

The New Popular Front finally agreed on the condemnation of the “terrorist massacres” of Hamas, calling to “impose an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and enforce the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which evokes , without ambiguities, a risk of genocide”. He also recognizes a “worrying, unprecedented explosion” of “racist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic acts” in France, a fairly clear response to the contested formula of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who considered at the beginning of June that anti-Semitism “remains residual in France.

A program in three parts

The left-wing movements have broken down their common program into three parts: first fifteen days of “rupture” including “social emergency” measures; a “summer of bifurcations” with the presentation of several laws (purchasing power, health, education) which will spread over the first 100 days; then a section of “transformations” over the following months. In this third part is integrated the affirmation of a “common objective” of the right to retire at 60 and a commitment to move towards a Sixth Republic with the end of 49.3 and the establishment of proportional representation.

The New Popular Front also undertakes to “reestablish a solidarity tax on wealth (ISF) reinforced with a climate component” in its first 100 days in power if it accedes to it after the election of June 30 and July 7.

This agreement was validated Friday morning by the national council of the PS, by 190 votes for, 8 against and 13 abstentions, said a party source. This program, the result of four days of intense negotiations, does not mention the name of the potential Prime Minister of this coalition, another point of dissension between the different political families.

This programmatic component must be accompanied by an agreement on the nominations in the 577 constituencies.

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