Legislative elections 2024: “we can win” thanks to “a vote of conscience”, believes Bruno Le Maire

The “victory” of the presidential camp in the legislative elections “is possible”, believes the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire who believes in a “judgment and a vote of conscience”, while recognizing that the dissolution “has created incomprehension”. The announcement last Sunday by Emmanuel Macron of the dissolution of the National Assembly “is the decision of a single man, the President of the Republic. It is his prerogative, he exercised it”, insisted on highlighting before the minister on Sunday in the “Political Questions” program on France Inter/franceinfo/Le Monde.

“What I see is that it has created concern, incomprehension, and sometimes anger in our country” among the French. “I want to tell them: ‘there is hope’. […] We can win, victory is possible” at the end of the polls on June 30 and July 7, judges Bruno Le Maire. “It is not an ideological vote, it is not a partisan vote, it must be a vote of conscience, everyone must probe their conscience to know what is good for the French nation. (…) I have confidence in the ability of the French to (…) have this jump in the last days to give us a majority”, summarized the Minister of Economy and Finance.

For Le Maire, the programs of the RN and the New Popular Front are “both a disaster for our economy”

He called for “opening our eyes to the programs” of the National Rally and the New Popular Front, which are, according to him, “both a disaster for our economy” and “lead directly to the impoverishment of all our compatriots.

Bruno Le Maire notably called on “all responsible, reasonable social democrats, attached to their country, attached to the French people, who do not want the harm of the workers, of all those who work in the factories, of those who do not want to support the anti-Semitic speeches of rebellious France, to join the central bloc” of the presidential majority. He also denounced “the complete climate skepticism of the RN program, which turns its back on the fight against climate change”.

Concerning the measures in favor of purchasing power announced on Saturday by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, Bruno Le Maire estimated that “this is an excellent starting point” but “that we will obviously have to go much further”. Believing that “work does not pay enough”, he notably suggested “reviewing the reductions in charges” to have “less gap” between “gross and net” salaries and “breaking this glass ceiling to recreate salary dynamics.

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