Legislative elections 2024: Yaël Braun-Pivet “humanly” understands Hollande’s candidacy, but wants him to clarify his commitment

François Hollande stood as a candidate in the early legislative elections in Corrèze this Saturday. Yaël Braun-Pivet admits to understanding this desire for commitment, but also questions the orientations of Emmanuel Macron’s predecessor, according to his remarks during the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/ CNews/ Les Échos.

“It’s my whole life, it’s my commitment”

The former President of the Republic justified his commitment: “If I made this decision, it is because I considered that the situation was serious, more than it ever was. Serious because the danger represented by the extreme right is today proven. The extreme right has never been so close to power since the Liberation,” he told the press in Tulle this Saturday. “I did it because it’s my whole life, it’s my commitment.”

Invested by the local federation of the Socialist Party in the first constituency of the department as part of the New Popular Front, he explained that he had three priorities: France, progress and Corrèze. Asked about François Hollande’s candidacy, Yaël Braun-Pivet replied: “I understand humanly that when you are in politics, when you have been in charge, when you love your country, when you cannot stay on the sidelines and watch what’s happening and we want to get involved.”

What “political positioning”?

The outgoing President of the National Assembly, however, questions the “political positioning” of François Hollande. She wonders to what extent the ex-president intends to commit to the New Popular Front and adhere to the program proposed by the left alliance. “Does he agree with what is said about Hamas? Does he agree with what is said about the retreat? Does he agree with what is being said about the market, about wage indexation, about inflation?” asks Yaël Braun-Pivet.

She concludes: “Today, we must [que François Hollande] be clear about what it means, about its commitments, because that is what the French expect of us individually.”

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