Legislative elections: Stanislas Guerini calls for an “even stronger” campaign

The boss of La République en Marche, Stanislas Guerini, called on Monday to campaign “even stronger” for the first round of legislative elections on Sunday, in particular “against the cartel” of the left which has made a breakthrough with the French of the foreign. “We are in combat. Yes, perhaps we have to go even harder, we must give what is at stake in this legislative election: a majority to be able to move the country forward, to be able to act”, declared on franceinfo the boss of the presidential party, who has become Minister of Transformation and the Public Service.

“I am not in fear, panic,” he added when he was asked about the risk for the presidential coalition to obtain a relative majority. He said he was “disappointed” for the LREM candidate Manuel Valls, eliminated in the first round in the 5th constituency of French people living abroad – who were voting this weekend – but “welcomed his political courage, his desire to serve the country at all costs”.

Breakthrough of the Nupes

Stanislas Guerini called for a vote in the second round for the dissident candidate Stéphane Vojetta, who came second behind the candidate of the Nupes left alliance, Renaud Le Berre. The candidates of the macronie came mainly in the lead among the French abroad, while the Nupes made a breakthrough, qualifying in 10 out of 11 constituencies.

“Now we have to win. We must come together against the Mélenchonist cartel”, insisted Stanislas Guerini, for whom the Nupes “is submission to Jean-Luc Mélenchon” and “the disguised exit from Europe, the exit from NATO” and “nuclear”. LFI’s program is “the reduction of retirement pensions, an amnesty law for thugs, a special report to the Republic”, added the boss of LREM, who is due to hand over in July.

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