Legislative: faced with the multiplication of lists on the right, voters lost

Jean-Luc Boujon // Credits: Europe 1
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9:40 a.m., June 18, 2024

The lists of candidates for the legislative elections were submitted on Sunday evening. On the left, the offer is generally quite simple with a New Popular Front list in each of the 577 constituencies. On the right, on the other hand, it is much more complicated. The Republican split between the “historical” channel and the “Ciotti who moved closer to the RN” channel caused the number of lists to explode. Results: voters are sometimes completely lost, just 13 days before the first round. Europe 1 went to Ambérieu-en-Bugey, in the 5th constituency of Ain, where half of the lists are classified on the right.

In Ambérieu-en-Bugey, there is a traffic jam on the right. There is first an LR list, then an LR/National Rally list, Ciotti tendency, a Divers Right list carried by ex-minister Damien Abad and finally a Reconquest list. Enough to completely confuse voters like René and Daniela. “There are a lot of lists on the right and we don’t know anymore. It’s all very disturbing! We don’t really know who to vote for anymore! There are too many lists, it’s a mess!”, they say . “They are confusing us,” adds Nadine, who therefore will not vote for the right.

A real risk for the first round of elections

“It’s really far from clear and it’s a shame that they are not able to have an agreement, to be able to be a group. We, the voters, we don’t want someone who says ‘ I’m on the right, but I’m on the right without being on the right because I don’t want the other’. For me, it’s childishness and caprice. need. So, who to vote for? The one we hear the least about is Macron. This is perhaps the solution in the end!”, believes Nadine.

Eric will go even further. “The right-wing voter in a circumstance like that, basically, he will vote to the left. In any case, I am ready to vote to the left. It hurts me a little but yes, I could do it. Because of all these right-wing lists incapable of getting along.” The dispersion of votes to the right is therefore a real risk for the 1st round in 15 days.

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