Legislative: four days before the first round, Macron continues to pound Mélenchon

Arthur de Laborde and AFP
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8:43 p.m., June 08, 2022

On the move to Clichy-sous-Bois, in Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron again attacked Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The Head of State castigated during a walkabout of more than an hour, the “project of prohibitions and taxation” of the Nupes, before denouncing the criticisms of the leader of France Insoumùise on the police .

“A project of bans and taxation”: Emmanuel Macron again targeted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, engaged in a duel at a distance Wednesday evening with Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, four days before the first round of the legislative elections. Having become the number one opponent of Macronie, the leader of Nupes came under yet another barrage of fire from several ministers on Wednesday in the media. Like Gabriel Attal who denounces in Le Monde the Mélenchonist “fiscal guillotine” or Agnès Pannier-Runacher who fears on Cnews a “catastrophe for France” if the left-wing coalition obtains a majority in the elections of June 12 and 19 .

“It’s not a good project for the country”

Traveling to Clichy-sous-Bois, in Seine-Saint-Denis, lands favorable to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Head of State, gave a layer at the end of the afternoon, castigating, during a walkabout of more than an hour, the “prohibitions and taxation project” of the Nupes.

“Their project explains to people that we are going to ban them from cutting down trees in their homes. There are 20 new taxes. This is not a good project for the country”, launched Mr. Macron, who notably attended hip-hop show, taking up the arguments put forward by his camp since the weekend, believing that the country “needs stability and ambition”.

Words about the police that do not pass

“I do not think that people who come from socialism or from republican political forces can make comments on justice, on the police like those made by Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, further estimated the President of the Republic, in allusion to the controversy launched after the criticism of the leader of Nupes against the police.

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