Legislative: LREM fears the fragmentation of the majority

At Pol’s

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Presidential Election 2022case

Party executives and Emmanuel Macron himself oppose a fragmentation of the majority because of the great ambitions of the members of the “common house”. The battle for nominations promises to make people disappointed.

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In macronie, how many divisions? After the presidential election, the time will come for the legislative elections and, with them (if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected), the redefinition of internal borders for the future majority. With the many formations that compose it (LREM, MoDem, Horizons, Agir, Territories of progress, In common or even the youngest, the Progressive Federation freshly created by former socialists) and their variable appetites in terms of political weight.

“Favorable to unity”

This is directly linked to the existence of its own parliamentary groups, knowing that it takes fifteen deputies to form one… and therefore investitures in a certain number of winnable constituencies. Edouard Philippe and François Bayrou are already showing the muscles to win in the negotiations. But the boss of LREM and loyal to Emmanuel Macron, Stanislas Guerini, warns: “I am not in favor of [un morcellement] of the majority.” Subtext: unlike the others. …

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